What we offer to our
  • Support Businesses with Marketing Campaigns

    Partners can act as agents for business channel owners to post engaging content, manage loyalty program rewards and monitor loyalty related transactions to ensure authenticity aswell as help businesses deliver the best customer service by operating in-channel supper communication.

  • Bring Business on SmallCircle

    Partners can act as agents for SmallCircle and on-board businesses on the platform to earn revenues and potentially earn shares in SmallCircle B.V.

  • Provide Training to businesses on service and clerk feature

    SmallCircle is a large platform with a growing set of valuable features for businsess to interact not only with their customers but also enhance their retail or sales operations. Partners can become experts in configuring, and operating such services and provide training to use such services to businesses.

  • Digitalize businesses by bringing them on SmallCircle

    SmallCircle offers businesses turn-key solutions to digitalize businesses. Partners can help businesses to quickly open a click & collect online store, or create a task center to achieve operational excellence and more.

  • Help Businesses onboard SmallCircle and setup their QR code

    Whether you are on-boarding retail stores, major luxury brands, FMCG companies or online businesses, interaction with customers is most valuable when offering 1:1 Service, achieving operational and sales excellence as well as seamless methods of payments. Each journey can simply begin by scanning a SmallCircle QR-Code.